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Surrogacy Issue in India


Under Indian laws, a healthy woman can volunteer to carry a baby for another couple. She signs a contract with the doctor ,with an undertaking not to claim owner-ship of the baby in future. A surrogate mother is given a payment (whatever is decided between the doctor and the couple) that is mentioned in the contract. The child is given to the couple once documents of adoption are notarised.



The woman conceives the baby either directly through the father or through IVF , where the sperm of the father is fused with her egg. In some cases, both the sperm and the egg may be provided by the parents, and the embryo so developed is placed in the surrogate mother’s womb.


In some cases, the parents are told the surrogate is delivering their baby but the woman actually delivers a baby fathered by someone else.


Doctors have been known to convince healthy women to carry a baby for money. The woman gets pregnant but without the agreement that would have made surrogacy legal. This amounts to baby trading.